12 Jan Looking for the Best Clear Aligners? Here’s Why You Should See a Dental Professional.
Visiting a dentist or orthodontist in person is the best way to get a clear aligner that works for you.
If you’re interested in straightening your teeth with clear aligners, then you want only the safest and the most effective treatment you can find.
With several options to choose from, how do you know which aligner is the best?
Online or “DIY” clear aligners are sold under the direct-to-consumer model that might eliminate the need for visiting a dentist in person. This model is designed to make treatment convenient and more affordable. Many online clear aligner companies even use qualified dentists and orthodontists to review customer cases.
So, does it really matter whether you see a clinician in person, or save a few bucks and order aligners online?
It absolutely matters.
Here’s why.
Personalized, one-on-one care provides you with a high-quality treatment plan and outcome.
A direct-to-consumer clear aligner company should let you know whether aligners are right for you. But you have to remember that their primary goal is probably to sell clear aligners. Your dentist or orthodontist, on the other hand, isn’t most likely trying to sell a particular product. They are trained to recommend the right treatment for you that gives you a healthy and beautiful smile.
Depending on your unique treatment needs, your journey to a straighter smile could include:
- Traditional braces
- Clear aligners
- Cosmetic dentistry
- Jaw surgery
- Tooth extractions
You can trust that your dentist or orthodontist is going to recommend the appropriate treatment plan that you need to help you reach your smile goals. If you aren’t a candidate for clear aligners, your healthcare provider will tell you that and suggest treatment alternatives that will get you the same results. An online clear aligner company might not be able to provide you with such alternatives. They might advise you to get treatment elsewhere, or encourage you to go ahead with their clear aligner treatment, anyway.
Seeing a dentist or orthodontist ensures safe treatment with clear aligners.
Getting clear aligners is a big deal. It’s not just a cosmetic procedure—it’s a medical procedure.
Closing gaps and straightening crowded teeth affects more than just your visible teeth. There are also roots, bone tissue, and ligaments that you can’t see, but which are also impacted by orthodontic treatment.
The health of the surrounding hard and soft tissue structures must be taken into consideration when planning your clear aligner treatment. A well rounded treatment cannot be planned solely through photos or dental impressions.
A complete evaluation that includes X-rays allows the clinician to carefully tailor your clear aligner treatment plan to ensure successful tooth movement without compromising your bite or causing damage to your oral health.
Your dental anatomy is unique, and it deserves a similarly unique treatment plan. A clear aligner is not one-size-fits-all. You will get the most out of your clear aligner treatment when you see a qualified dentist or orthodontist who can make sure a clear aligner works in harmony with your natural anatomy.
Additionally, there might be a risk of developing tooth decay or gum disease during your clear aligner treatment. Aligner therapy requires close supervision by your provider to ensure that your progress is tracking as planned Regular in-person checkups by your provider will give them a chance to spot issues and address them promptly. If your treatment is mostly remote via an online aligner company, then your assigned clinicians may not notice serious problems before it’s too late.
You could save money on your clear aligner therapy.
It’s easy to assume that getting clear aligner treatment from your dentist is going to be much more expensive than ordering it online.
At least, that’s how it looks on paper. But when you see your smile as a valuable investment, you realize you have two options:
Option 1.) Make a risky financial speculation.
Option 2.) Make an informed investment decision that you’re confident will pay off.
When you entrust the health of your smile to strangers you’ve never met, you are taking a financial risk. You might save some money initially by choosing a DIY clear aligner, but you could easily end up spending much more if something goes wrong.
Work with a doctor who personally knows your case and wants to see your treatment succeed. Even if things don’t go exactly as planned, your healthcare provider will keep working with you until you’re happy with the results.
Going directly to a dentist or orthodontist for clear aligner treatment might not even be as expensive as you think. For one thing, you’re more likely to have a portion of your treatment costs covered by your dental insurance if you get clear aligners from a clinician instead of ordering it online.
And then there’s the fact that your local dental practice probably offers flexible financing plans because they want to help you afford your clear aligner treatment.
Reliable help when you need it
Another very important reason to get your clear aligner treatment from a local clinician is that they will be able to help you anytime you need it. You will know exactly who to call if a question or problem arises during your treatment. You won’t be put on hold, won’t get stuck messaging in circles with an online chat bot, won’t wait days for an email response, won’t be handed off to various customer service representatives, and won’t have to explain your situation five times to five different company technicians.
As your personal doctor, your local dentist or orthodontist will know all the details of your case, and they’ll have a legal and ethical obligation to see your treatment through to the end. This will give you peace of mind because you’ll know exactly who to ask for help when you need it, and you’ll already know that you can trust them.
Clear aligner treatment that works
Clear aligners can work wonders for your smile, provided your treatment plan is in good hands. But clear aligners by themselves aren’t always enough. Sometimes, treatment needs to be enhanced by subtly reshaping teeth to create more space (a process called interproximal reduction). In other cases, rubber bands or attachments are necessary to bring all teeth into healthy alignment.
You can’t get those additional treatments when you order clear aligners online. Only a dentist or orthodontist can provide them to help you get the most out of your clear aligners. (By the way, there are clear aligners that have an exceptional fit to minimize the need for attachments.)
The point here is that the average direct-to-consumer clear aligner isn’t guaranteed to work for you. You’ll have the best experience by going directly to a dentist or orthodontist who can provide you with a customized treatment plan and everything else you need to have safe and successful treatment with clear aligners.
Straightening your teeth with clear aligners can have a permanent impact on your oral health, the comfort of your bite, and the way your face looks, so it’s something you want to get done right the first time.
Get your smile off to a great start by visiting your local dentist or orthodontist for clear aligners.
© 2021 Henry Schein Orthodontics
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